As the world advances into the twenty - first century, managers face the challenge of increasing competition due to the globalization of business and economy. Salient changes witnessed are the deregulation and liberalization of economies, changing industry structures, mergers, acquisitions & alliance formations to sustain growth, privatization, technological advances, changes in the consumer preferences and life-style, and emergence of new forms of organization & management practices. Not only business organizations, but the managers themselves need to equip themselves with new skills and resources needed to manage such enterprises. These skills are needed for the managers to assume greater responsibilities through career advancement based on knowledge, skills and competence. The Executive Programme in Business Management is designed to provide managers and professionals with a broad overview of the key concepts, tools and techniques needed to successfully meet the challenges of today’s global business environment. Individual courses will give participants the knowledge needed to work cross-functionally within the organization and become more skilled in the basics of business management.